Move towards what matters to you today.

Feeling OK is the Key to Set You Free

The truth that you are O.K. will set you free!


At a recent private Release Your HorsePower workshop for future counselors and therapists, we delved into what horses have to offer us when we have challenges with addiction and dependencies.

This led us to how we can release OUR Personal HorsePower to move beyond the restraints of addictive/dependent behaviors that no longer serve us and toward what matters most in our lives.

To actually create habits and rituals in our lives that serve our movement. Movement from where we are to where we want to be.

The question is not “What is your Addiction?” but rather “Are your addictions serving you?”

First we need to look at the blinding element that restricts us from ever having the vision, awareness, or foresight to see beyond our addictions and actually determine whether they are serving us.

This blinding element that keeps us in the dark, keeps us from seeing clearly, is where horses can help us the most.


For it is in our ability to judge ourselves that we blind ourselves, and it is in their inability to judge themselves or others and here they offer us a candle in our darkness.


Horses do not judge, cannot judge!

They cannot resonate with shame, blame or guilt.

They do not wish that others would be other than they are.

And they freely speak their truth while finding their natural place in life according to their Nature.


In other words, they are O.K. within their own skin and with others being who they are in their skin.


Does that mean they love and accept all situations? NO!

They tell their truths based on the situations at hand and are not clouded by thinking it should not be.


They accept, see and then act accordingly.

This O.K.- ness with themselves and others helps them see.

Does that mean they are O.K. with the hungry wolf? NO!

But they are not blinded, nor their actions are interfered, by judging the wolf as bad or that the wolve’s actions should not be. Hence they can act/react in the moment, NOT in the judgement.


Their lives depend on this freedom offered by O.K.- ness.

We can have this same freedom when we use our O.K.- ness as a tactical tool to effect a situation rather than a conceptual tool to judge our situation.


I want you to consider using your O.K.- ness by thinking of O.K. in a different way.

To engage your personal HorsePower and move any situation toward what matters most to you while freeing you of the blindness of judgement, try using the powerful tactical move of applying your O.K.- ness to MOVE any situation toward a direction that matters more to you.


Next time you catch yourself confused, conflicted, feeling incongruent or weak, use O.K.




Not to be “Nice” or “Good” but rather to see clearly and engagingly move any situation to a better feeling place.


Use O.K. Our Kindness to be kind to ourselves first

Use O.K. Our Kindness to be kind to others

Use O.K. Our Kindness to tell a better story than the one you are in.


Start with O.K. by accepting the situation as it is and using O.K. Our Kindness to move it toward what matters.


We humans are naturally compassionate and when we align with our nature, nature will align with us to create newness and freedom beyond the restrictive behaviors of addiction and dependencies that no longer serve.




Feel the Connection




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What’s the Gravity of Your Situation?

We all have dreams, desires, hopes and “somedays” that we would admit more of, if we could get past the gravity of our current situations. Many of us have successes in certain areas of our lives, where others often tell us, how good we are.

If only we could be that good, in that one particular area or areas, that we keep behind the curtains of our lives, covering the skeletons in our closets.

You know what I’m talking about! Those areas where we are stuck, trudging, slipping and getting sick and tired of being sick and tired. Those areas of our lives that hate time. The time it took to get there, and the time we have been hovering there with seemingly no movement, while time keeps marching on.

There is a way out and it is not the Law of Attraction (at least not the common understanding of it), nor is it focusing on the stars. The answer is right at your feet, quite literally as well as figuratively. The first step before and after you have found something that matters to you, is to clear away from the Gravity of your current reality.

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And here is the secret of all secrets:

It is not the gravity of your current reality that is holding you back but the glue of your judgment that keeps you bound to situations, and circumstances that has you floating is a sea of complacency, conformity and comfortableness that prevents progression toward your “Matterings”.

Knowing and Appreciating the gravity of your current life situation is the first step to setting yourself free to move toward what matters to you:


  • The constant voice of your desires calling you toward.
  • The constant voice of your source of inspiration, yearning for expression.
  • The constant voice or your witness pushing for expansion.


These voices will not be quieted till you come Home, upon which time it will be replaced by a Next! Your movement toward is all that matters and the gravity of your story is the beginning. But first we must break free of the glue that binds us to our gravity so we can harness its energies.

When scientists were tasked with the mission of getting to the moon they were tasked with the challenge of studying, harnessing, overcoming and aligning with the forces of gravity,

the gravity of earth as well as the moon.  They needed to escape from and use the power of gravity, to power their mission.

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The gift that scientists had that can lighten your load is they did not judge the force of gravity.

Gravity to them, of earth and well as the moon and in space, was simply a force of nature to be understood, harnessed and aligned with to help them achieve an outcome that mattered.

They did not see gravity as good or bad, they did not think “It should not be” or “ How could you”, they did not wish for better gravity.

They simply worked with the nature of gravity, appreciating every little detail of it in context of how it could be used to help them move a spaceship toward the moon and back.

Did I mention they appreciated the force that they had to overcome?


Imagine,  aligning with your nature to utilize the natural forces of the universe to move you toward what matters,

And all you would have to do is appreciate all the forces that are holding you back so you can harness them to your benefit.


But what if you hated gravity, judged its very existence and your collaboration with it?

Then your judgement would prevent you from accessing the gifts that are your natural birthright.

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The gifts of NOW and NEXT.


The accepted, appreciated truth of now!

The hopeful, trusting faith in next!


IT* all begins with you


At first there will need to be forgiveness,

Mixed with much acceptance,

Powered by awareness,

Inspired by appreciation,

All for-giving you the freedom to embrace your true nature and move with nature itself toward what moves you.


This is what makes all humans equal,

Our access to our source of inspiration,

Our access to nature itself,

Our judgement disconnects us from it,

Our acceptance harnesses its power,

Our appreciation unleashes its force toward whatever our feeling infused focus is directed at.


Be that the moon, a manicure, our matterings and desired manifestations or something better. If only we would learn to love and appreciate everything that has come before this moment.


Feel the Connection




In my next Blog I’ll go deeper into this topic with a video from the forest of Brenda Lee and Kylian living this very truth for you to see and feel.

Once you have felt it then you can get back there.


This is how Lucy conquers gravity …

Lucy conquering Gravity

*IT = Inner Truth


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